Project code: 19341
E-Group ICT Software Zrt.
Title of the project
Development of a self-learning dialogue manager
Project ID
Funding in HUF
238 160 500
Funding in %
64,08 %
Planned project end date
Project description
The self-learning hybrid dialogue manager is an IT system for customer service implemented in collaboration with human and artificial assistants, able to perform certain customer communication tasks automatically, identify types of tasks and direct the customer (for example, through a call center or chat messages) to a human operator.
Project description
The purpose of developing the IDXaaS prototype is to prepare the E-Group IDX product family for operation in the SaaS model and for context-based authentication.
With the IDXaaS service, it is possible for E-Group to reach additional market players, the developed technology is suitable for providing user authentication and data management solutions for administrative, banking, and corporate players. IDXaaS can be connected to other (existing) similar systems through its modular and standard communication interfaces.
E-Group ICT Software Plc. University of Pécs
Title of the project
Networked analytical and data utilization capabilities in healthcare
Total amount of contracted funding for the consortium
HUF 1,789,625,865
Funding rate in %
85.3126 %
Planned completion date of the project
Project ID number
GINOP 2.2.1-15-2017-00067
Project description
The aim of the project is to implement a DataLake data warehouse, which develops specific cognitive modeling and data processing methods for evaluating data.
The warehouse includes a variety of technologies, databases, data warehouse targets, Big Data clusters and real-time processing tools.
Other key focus areas of the project include the development of a uniform standard and accreditation system of information systems supporting health care and administration and the clarification of the framework of data collection, data representation, data storage, data recovery, data management and data security.
E-Group ICT Software Zrt.
Title of the project
Software and data-intensive services
Project ID
Funding in HUF
180 687 485
Funding rate in %
80 %
Planned completion date of the project
Project description
One of the main drivers of modern intellectual capital-based economic systems is the expansion of the knowledge-intensive service sector, which is based on the integration of the three main missions of higher education: education, research, and knowledge utilization mechanisms. The organizational implementation of this project is the Software and Data-Intensive Services Competence Center, which will be established under the leadership of the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics, in a consortium, with three focus areas: Finance, Healthcare, Industry 4.0, developing IT solutions that increase both competitiveness and research infrastructure.
E-Group ICT Software Zrt.
Title of the project
Development Of Anti-Bacterial Resistance Product In Veterinary Medicine, Development Of A Supporting Response Platform
Project ID
Funding in HUF
400 150 000
Funding rate in %
Planned completion date of the project
Project description
The aim of the project is to create an innovative and intelligent “Animal Health Repositioning Platform” that can effectively identify multiple drug candidates to combat veterinary antibiotic resistance. In addition, the platform could serve as a base for the establishment of a future food chain safety data lake to be developed which would be valuable for the integration and complex analysis of animal health, veterinary public health, food safety and human health data of different sources.
E-Group ICT Software Zrt.
Title of the project
Development of a self-learning dialogue manager
Project ID
Funding in HUF
238 160 500
Funding in %
64,08 %
Planned project end date
Project description
The self-learning hybrid dialogue manager is an IT system for customer service implemented in collaboration with human and artificial assistants, able to perform certain customer communication tasks automatically, identify types of tasks and direct the customer (for example, through a call center or chat messages) to a human operator.
Kedvezményezett neve
E-Group ICT Software Zrt.
Projekt címe
Öntanuló dialóguskezelő létrehozása
Projekt azonosítószáma
Szerződött támogatás összege
238 160 500 HUF
Támogatás mértéke (%-ban)
64,08 %
Projekt tervezett befejezési dátuma
Projekt tartalma
A projekt célja, hogy az ügyfelekkel történő természetes nyelvi dialógus (intelligent assistant, conversational commerce, chat bot, stb.) lehetőségét hozzáférhetővé tegye Software-as-a-Service modellben (Conversation-as-a-Service, CaaS). A projektben egy olyan szolgáltatási keretrendszer megteremtése a célunk, amely egy conversational assistant képességet tesz hozzáférhetővé bármely online szolgáltatáshoz, ügyfélkiszolgáló rendszerhez, telefonközponthoz, belső vállalati alkalmazáshoz illeszthető módon. A természetes nyelvű dialógusok megjelenhetnek egy vállalat belső folyamataiban, az ügyfél tájékoztatás, marketing kampányok, tanácsadás területén, tehát valójában minden vállalkozáson belüli és ügyfél-kommunikációs folyamatban. Az „öntanuló hibrid chat” egy humán és mesterséges asszisztensek együttműködésével megvalósított ügyfélszolgálati szolgáltatás informatikai rendszere, amely egyes ügyfél-kommunikációs feladatokat automatizáltan képes ellátni, az így nem elvégezhető feladatokat pedig felismeri, és az ügyfelet átadja (például a call centeren keresztül vagy a chat üzenetek átirányításával) egy humán ügyfélszolgálati munkatársnak. Az automatizáltan ellátható feladatok köre a rendszer öntanuló képességének köszönhetően folyamatosan bővül, mivel a beszélgetések a rendszer tudásbázisának részévé válnak.
Project code: 19341
E-Group ICT Software Zrt.
Title of the project
Development of a self-learning dialogue manager
Project ID
Funding in HUF
238 160 500
Funding in %
64,08 %
Planned project end date
Project description
The self-learning hybrid dialogue manager is an IT system for customer service implemented in collaboration with human and artificial assistants, able to perform certain customer communication tasks automatically, identify types of tasks and direct the customer (for example, through a call center or chat messages) to a human operator.
Project description
The purpose of developing the IDXaaS prototype is to prepare the E-Group IDX product family for operation in the SaaS model and for context-based authentication.
With the IDXaaS service, it is possible for E-Group to reach additional market players, the developed technology is suitable for providing user authentication and data management solutions for administrative, banking, and corporate players. IDXaaS can be connected to other (existing) similar systems through its modular and standard communication interfaces.
E-Group ICT Software Plc. University of Pécs
Title of the project
Networked analytical and data utilization capabilities in healthcare
Total amount of contracted funding for the consortium
HUF 1,789,625,865
Funding rate in %
85.3126 %
Planned completion date of the project
Project ID number
GINOP 2.2.1-15-2017-00067
Project description
The aim of the project is to implement a DataLake data warehouse, which develops specific cognitive modeling and data processing methods for evaluating data.
The warehouse includes a variety of technologies, databases, data warehouse targets, Big Data clusters and real-time processing tools.
Other key focus areas of the project include the development of a uniform standard and accreditation system of information systems supporting health care and administration and the clarification of the framework of data collection, data representation, data storage, data recovery, data management and data security.
E-Group ICT Software Zrt.
Title of the project
Software and data-intensive services
Project ID
Funding in HUF
180 687 485
Funding rate in %
80 %
Planned completion date of the project
Project description
One of the main drivers of modern intellectual capital-based economic systems is the expansion of the knowledge-intensive service sector, which is based on the integration of the three main missions of higher education: education, research, and knowledge utilization mechanisms. The organizational implementation of this project is the Software and Data-Intensive Services Competence Center, which will be established under the leadership of the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics, in a consortium, with three focus areas: Finance, Healthcare, Industry 4.0, developing IT solutions that increase both competitiveness and research infrastructure.
E-Group ICT Software Zrt.
Title of the project
Development Of Anti-Bacterial Resistance Product In Veterinary Medicine, Development Of A Supporting Response Platform
Project ID
Funding in HUF
400 150 000
Funding rate in %
Planned completion date of the project
Project description
The aim of the project is to create an innovative and intelligent “Animal Health Repositioning Platform” that can effectively identify multiple drug candidates to combat veterinary antibiotic resistance. In addition, the platform could serve as a base for the establishment of a future food chain safety data lake to be developed which would be valuable for the integration and complex analysis of animal health, veterinary public health, food safety and human health data of different sources.